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just a little mad
just a little mad

Posts : 7597
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PostSubject: Title Coming Soon...   Title Coming Soon... Icon_minitimeWed May 02, 2012 8:01 pm

There was something strangely irritating and comforting about being at the academy. It may have been the company he kept that annoyed him and it might even be a result of sleepless nights where he simply couldn't sleep. That was all hard to say. But perhaps being away from his family was reason enough to be contented from time to time. Or as content as he could ever be lately. 

As it stood, Koschei glared pointedly at the book on xenolinguistics he was in the process of reading. If finding yourself going over the same passage three times without retaining a thing could be considered reading. But his head was throbbing, he was agitated, and one of his more common annoyances happened to be missing. 

Normally he couldn't care less. But now? Well, now it was nearing and passing the middle of the night and they had an exam come the following morning. 

An exam his roommate more than likely had yet to study for and would quite possibly sleep through, only to copy his work quickly at the last second. Who could blame Koschei for being a bit on the irate side of things? He was the one to deal with the consequences of another's actions. 

Then again, how was that any different than usual?

(Sorry. iPods are horrid for intro writing.)
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PostSubject: Re: Title Coming Soon...   Title Coming Soon... Icon_minitimeWed May 02, 2012 8:38 pm

It wasn't a matter of not knowing he had a test or not wanting to do it, it was more a matter of not being bothered enough to do so. Theta had very little motivation and when offered the opportunity to slack off and copy, of course he was going to take it. He would of liked to be more interested but languages were so repetitive and he struggled to follow it. Mostly because he slept through all the prep work and spent yesterdays revision lesson making a paper aeroplane.

He may not pass the test but he had a rather impressively made paper aeroplane sitting on his desk. Or more their desk. It was just easier to save space and share a desk, especially since Koschei used it all the time for actual work and Theta just used it to display his silly little humany trinkets.

He was trying to read his own book on a totally unrelated subject of tomorrows test but the constant flicking of Koschei's pages prevented him from forgetting that he was not doing what he should, Koschei really had no consideration. what was he doing actually studying at this time as well? It was getting late.

"Koschei, I think you know that book perfectly now, could you stop? We'll never sleep at this rate."

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just a little mad
just a little mad

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PostSubject: Re: Title Coming Soon...   Title Coming Soon... Icon_minitimeWed May 02, 2012 9:43 pm

"So says the boy who isn't doing anything but reading himself. I'm not going to let you copy, you know. I doubt you've even done the assignment for the biology class or the questions from our reading assignment in navigations." Koschei shot back, not bothering to look up until he'd finished the passage for the fourth time. Or was that his sixth by now?

Turning his seat around, he leveled the other with a less than impressed stare. "Have you even started your translation for xenolinguistics? You know we have three due tomorrow, right? And there's going to be one on the exam." Koschei said slowly.
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PostSubject: Re: Title Coming Soon...   Title Coming Soon... Icon_minitimeThu May 03, 2012 8:28 am

Theta just blinked. Koschei had lost him at the whole biology assignment part. They had work for biology due? Damn, he must of missed that one. Probably on the day he skipped class to work on his perigosto stick, he was determined to make that thing cool, even if he had to get laughed at for a few years, it was all great fun. He tilted his head to the side and frowned.

"Translation? Oh yeah, forgot about that, I'll do it tomorrow morning. And biology... I won't be able to make it in to class, I'm sick," Theta pretended to cough, he always had to take the easy way out. "Vouch for me Kosch?"
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just a little mad
just a little mad

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PostSubject: Re: Title Coming Soon...   Title Coming Soon... Icon_minitimeThu May 03, 2012 9:04 am

Koschei just stared dully. Seriously? "I'm not going to vouch that you're sick. Again. You actually need to show up to class one of these days." he asserted firmly. On occasion was perfectly fine. Not really. He just wasn't in the mood to having the other slack off so much. 

"Go to class and explain that you didn't bother. But if anybody asks over your well being, then I'm telling them that you were in perfect health tonight." Koschei informed. He probably wouldn't. 
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PostSubject: Re: Title Coming Soon...   Title Coming Soon... Icon_minitimeThu May 03, 2012 5:19 pm

"Don't be cruel, Koschei, I try but everything gets all muddled in my head and I know it but it's boring and it gets all ... wibbly," Theta tried to explain with some elaborate hand gestures because he was smart and very capable but he had a small attention span and he never could seem to do anything like a normal Time Lord.

He had a handicap, or so he was told, half human made him less likely to succeed... oh well. "Give me on sick day and I'll hand over the biology work the next day. On my honour as a Time Lord, I will."
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just a little mad
just a little mad

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PostSubject: Re: Title Coming Soon...   Title Coming Soon... Icon_minitimeThu May 03, 2012 5:43 pm

"You can't just take a day off whenever and you'll miss the exam as it is. You won't be permitted to make those up anymore and you can't just show up to one lesson and not another. The professors will notice." Koschei pointed out. And he wouldn't take the fall.

Koschei just didn't get why the other wouldn't just do the work to begin with. "Thing is that I know you can do it. You just don't bother. Why do you think people say what they do about you?" he asked simply.
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PostSubject: Re: Title Coming Soon...   Title Coming Soon... Icon_minitimeThu May 03, 2012 6:00 pm

"What do they say about me?" Theta asked with a curious expression, people said so much these days that he found it hard to keep track. Just yesterday he was called several different things by his professors, he couldn't help it really.

"Okay, we can make a deal, I'll study and pass my tests and not get kicked out if you agree to play in my band," Theta ordered as he picked up his perigosto stick from the floor and gestured at Koschei with it. "If not then I'll say the reason why I can't study is because you keep me up all night partying!"
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just a little mad
just a little mad

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PostSubject: Re: Title Coming Soon...   Title Coming Soon... Icon_minitimeThu May 03, 2012 6:16 pm

Koschei just raised an eyebrow with a dull look. Seriously? "I don't party. Let me know who would think otherwise." he deadpanned. It wasn't going to really go over.

"Look. I assure you that you can do the work and I'm not doing a hand. Period." Koschei said slowly.
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PostSubject: Re: Title Coming Soon...   Title Coming Soon... Icon_minitimeThu May 03, 2012 6:26 pm

"Yeah, you're right, people just think you're a dork. A dorky freak," Theta remarked not meaning to be hurtful, he was being honest, that was pretty much what people think. "I'm just a weirdo freak so we're kind of on the same level only your implies intelligence."

They were in this together and he'd always have Koschei's back, that didn't mean he'd always agree with him though.
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just a little mad
just a little mad

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PostSubject: Re: Title Coming Soon...   Title Coming Soon... Icon_minitimeThu May 03, 2012 8:25 pm

"I suggest you to to class. It's at your discretion, but to skip will bring more trouble than what you'd deal with in going." Koschei murmured, closing his book.

It only made sense. Theta was just asking for issue with all of this.
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PostSubject: Re: Title Coming Soon...   Title Coming Soon... Icon_minitimeFri May 04, 2012 7:46 am

"I'm going to have a years worth of after class lessons and detainment, I can't be bothered with all of that," but while he knew Koschei wouldn't actually rat him out, he knew the other boy would be upset if he lied again.

So that meant he either actually go sick or faced his doom - and getting sick was not as easy as it seemed. Well, unless he asked Ushas for a little bit of a hand.
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just a little mad
just a little mad

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PostSubject: Re: Title Coming Soon...   Title Coming Soon... Icon_minitimeFri May 04, 2012 9:04 am

"You know my feelings. So with that in mind, I'm turning in for what's left of the night." Koschei informed softly, his attention shifting to putting his things away.

And really? He wasn't going to say much else. He just crawled into his bed so that he could manage some rest.
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PostSubject: Re: Title Coming Soon...   Title Coming Soon... Icon_minitimeFri May 04, 2012 11:58 am

"I'm going for a brisk midnight walk," Theta informed Koschei as he hopped off the bed and moved towards the door, if he could get some good reason to get away from this whole work mess then he'd be done.

Because honestly, he really didn't have the time to even begin to catch up without working straight through to tomorrow.
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PostSubject: Re: Title Coming Soon...   Title Coming Soon... Icon_minitime

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