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just a little mad
just a little mad

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PostSubject: Re: Imaginary Worlds   Imaginary Worlds Icon_minitimeWed Feb 08, 2012 9:13 pm

At least the Doctor was quick to cover up how that question bothered him. "I didn't. We had dated about a year before I'd asked her and she's said yes. All I knew was the idea of marrying her outweighed getting hurt." he admitted softly.

As for where the Master was involved? He wasn't sure the man could do that sort of comittment "I am happy. Marnal, I have you. That's all I need right now. Yes, I want to date, but I can get over it to be with you." he assured firmly.
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PostSubject: Re: Imaginary Worlds   Imaginary Worlds Icon_minitimeWed Feb 08, 2012 9:16 pm

Marnal wanted to point out how little the Doctor was with him these days but he didn't like upsetting his dad. Smiling, he turned his head around and waited till he had enough momentum before he leapt from the swing.

Had to hand it to the kid, he stuck his landing. Giggling, he soon took off to the slid to bother poor Pest, who was curled up at the top in a tight ball of fear. "Daaaad, come down the slide with me."
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just a little mad
just a little mad

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PostSubject: Re: Imaginary Worlds   Imaginary Worlds Icon_minitimeWed Feb 08, 2012 9:23 pm

That poor damn cat. The Doctor smiled softly and moved to the end of the slide, raising an eyebrow. "Don't think I'm small enough, kiddo. But you can slide and I'll catch you." he suggested instead.

Why not? It was worth a quick shot. The Doctor wasn't above doing that dirt of thing with the poor kid. Beat leaving Marnal alone. A thing he knew happened more often than he'd like.
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PostSubject: Re: Imaginary Worlds   Imaginary Worlds Icon_minitimeWed Feb 08, 2012 9:32 pm

Marnal grinned and nodded his head, looking at the neurotic cat and gesturing for him to go down. Sadly, the car didn't want to. It looked like the Doctor would have to retrieve the mental kitten later.

"Make sure you catch me!" Marnal called out before he braced himself and slid down the slide, eyes closed with an excited smile on his face. He loved when his dad played with him.
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just a little mad
just a little mad

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PostSubject: Re: Imaginary Worlds   Imaginary Worlds Icon_minitimeWed Feb 08, 2012 9:43 pm

Waiting until the lad was near the end of the slide, the Doctor lifted his son up swiftly, swinging him into the air slightly before setting him back down upon the ground once more. It was just one of those few moments where he could keep Marnal contented without too much of a hassle.

"One more time, but we need to head in soon. I want to check on our food and we can watch a film. I'll even let you eat in the livingroom so that you can see it." he offered lightly. The Doctor was at least trying.
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PostSubject: Re: Imaginary Worlds   Imaginary Worlds Icon_minitimeWed Feb 08, 2012 9:48 pm

It was such a simple thing but it left Marnal so happy, he never got to see his father and to have all this attention practically seemed unreal, he was soon up the slide again to repeat the process.

Though this time he didn't let his dad put him down, he hugged him close, beaming happily. "Can we really? I want to eat in the living room!" he never got to do that as well.
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just a little mad
just a little mad

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PostSubject: Re: Imaginary Worlds   Imaginary Worlds Icon_minitimeWed Feb 08, 2012 9:58 pm

The Doctor let the kid cling to him, holding his son close with a small smile. "Yes, we can eat in the livingroom." he assured softly, heading in. Though he did have to set Marnal down long enough to return for Pest. Pest who, as soon as he was inside, took off for the stairs as if his life depended upon it.

"Right. You go pick a show and I'll get the food for us." the Doctor instructed lightly, smiling a bit as he ruffled his son's hair lightly. What? It was only fair. He couldn't exactly demand that Marnal sit still while he got the food out.
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PostSubject: Re: Imaginary Worlds   Imaginary Worlds Icon_minitimeWed Feb 08, 2012 10:06 pm

Marnal put on his favourite cartoon show and sat nicely on the sofa as he waited for dinner, it had been so long since the Doctor had played with him and doted on his like this.

He missed being spoiled emotionally sometimes, all he ever got these days was gifts but no real attention. He waited for his dad to bring in the food, practically bouncing in excitement.

((Off to bed))
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just a little mad
just a little mad

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PostSubject: Re: Imaginary Worlds   Imaginary Worlds Icon_minitimeWed Feb 08, 2012 10:13 pm


The Doctor knew that he'd screwed up. How could he not? When he'd been with Iros, he'd been working on finishing up a degree in teaching and had had plenty of time for the kid. And now? Well, now he was trying to come up with a relationship and run a lab all at once.

He knew that he needed to reevaluate a few things by this point. He sat beside his son and placed a plate of food upon the coffee table before picking at his own meal. This wasn't too bad. He just needed to spend more time with the kid.
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PostSubject: Re: Imaginary Worlds   Imaginary Worlds Icon_minitimeThu Feb 09, 2012 9:12 am

Marnal ate as fast as he always did, his knife and fork skills needed serious work but he was still young, no one was an instant natural. His eyes remained glued to the TV, right up until he was done.

He sat back on the sofa, food on his face, hands and shirt. Kids were never clean and that was a bit unfortunate. Still, he seemed happy enough to eat with his dad.
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just a little mad
just a little mad

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PostSubject: Re: Imaginary Worlds   Imaginary Worlds Icon_minitimeThu Feb 09, 2012 9:25 am

The Doctor had to sigh upon regarding the kid. Really!Finishing his own meal, he turned the television off between shows. "Alright. Upstairs with you to get clean." he said simply.

"Get yourself in the bath and I'll bring your pajamas in." the Doctor said simply, standing as he sat his plate aside. Pest was sure to be about as soon as they were gone to pick at scraps.
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PostSubject: Re: Imaginary Worlds   Imaginary Worlds Icon_minitimeThu Feb 09, 2012 9:33 am

Marnal groaned, he hated having early baths. He headed upstairs and tugged off all his cloths with a great effort, soon clambering in the bath when it was done.

He splashed around a bit and rubbed some shampoo through his hair before dunking his head and trying to see how long he could keep his head under. Bursting back out, he blinked around the water. "Daaaad, I'm ready to come out!"
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just a little mad
just a little mad

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PostSubject: Re: Imaginary Worlds   Imaginary Worlds Icon_minitimeThu Feb 09, 2012 9:38 am

The Doctor didn't take long to get the boy's clothes, entering the bathroom and Rollin his eyes a bit. "Whatever am I to do with you?" he asked lightly, simply teasing the boy. He meant no harm.

He swiped a rag over Marnal's face a bit and grinned, helping his son out and patting at him with a towel quickly. "Okay. Get dressed now." the Doctor instructed as he drained the tub. "I'm going to clean up from our meal really quick."
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PostSubject: Re: Imaginary Worlds   Imaginary Worlds Icon_minitimeThu Feb 09, 2012 9:46 am

"Then we'll watch a film!" Marnal declared as he wiped the rest of his face with his damp hand before tugging on his pyjamas. Dressed and clean, he hurried in his room and snagged his stuffed dragon toy and dragged it down after him.

Standing in the kitchen, he watched his dad clean up with a small curious expression. He always did watch and learn from his dad, all young kids did. "Can I help?"
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just a little mad
just a little mad

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PostSubject: Re: Imaginary Worlds   Imaginary Worlds Icon_minitimeThu Feb 09, 2012 11:18 am

The Doctor was almost finished by the time the kid came about. "I got it." he assured softly. And he did. He was just rinsing his last dish and drying his hands.

"Come on. We'll go watch a film together." the Doctor said lightly as he lifted his son a bit. He didn't mind. He simply started a cartoon and settled upon the couch with his son.
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PostSubject: Re: Imaginary Worlds   Imaginary Worlds Icon_minitimeThu Feb 09, 2012 11:34 am

Marnal insisted on watching the same old film that they watched whenever the Doctor asked them to watch a film together. Kids love repetition and Marnal was no different, he wasn't like Koschei. He didn't like scary films, they terrified him.

He liked like hearted fun and that was why he sat happily on his dads lap and he watched the screen with concentration and a soft smile, half curled up against the older man.
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just a little mad
just a little mad

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PostSubject: Re: Imaginary Worlds   Imaginary Worlds Icon_minitimeThu Feb 09, 2012 12:39 pm

The Doctor let the film play through, ruffling his son's hair softly when the show was finished. "Alright. Up to bed with you now." he instructed, moving the kid from his lap.

"Don't worry. I'll even read a story." the Doctor assured, heading up to pick out the lad's favorite book. It was a quick enough read. He didn't have a lot of stories that were long for the kid.
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PostSubject: Re: Imaginary Worlds   Imaginary Worlds Icon_minitimeThu Feb 09, 2012 12:48 pm

Marnal was not the sort of boy who liked reading really, not by himself, but he did love when his dad read him a bedtime story. Course, usually, he lasted about 10 minutes before he fell asleep.

Say whatever you will about Marnal, he was very easy to get to bed. But then he never had been a night owl.
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just a little mad
just a little mad

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PostSubject: Re: Imaginary Worlds   Imaginary Worlds Icon_minitimeThu Feb 09, 2012 5:59 pm

The Doctor tucked the lad in tight with a small smile before he slipped away to bed himself. Only to lay awake most of the night and to rise early in the morning. He never could explain why he was always so energetic.

He simply made breakfast for when Marnal woke up and started to make cookies. Why not? They were quick and easy enough to do.
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PostSubject: Re: Imaginary Worlds   Imaginary Worlds Icon_minitimeThu Feb 09, 2012 6:49 pm

Marnal was up early as always, though he was never at his best first thing, he could never stay in bed. He sat there, half asleep on the sofa in his pyjamas, a blanket over him as he watched the morning cartoons.

"Dad, what are we having for breakfast?" Marnal asked with a curious expression before pulling his dragon toy closer, eyes never leaving the TV screen. He was an easy to amuse child.
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just a little mad
just a little mad

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PostSubject: Re: Imaginary Worlds   Imaginary Worlds Icon_minitimeThu Feb 09, 2012 7:22 pm

"Eggs and bacon it's on the table, so come and eat." the Doctor called, setting the plate down before pulling his first batch of cookies from the oven. Couldn't complain much there.

Getting the next batch in, he sat down to eat a bit himself. It was a simple meal and he made it often enough. The Doctor liked a bit of a schedule and routine.
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PostSubject: Re: Imaginary Worlds   Imaginary Worlds Icon_minitimeThu Feb 09, 2012 7:29 pm

Marnal clambered into the kitchen and picked up his fork, awkwardly using it to pick at the breakfast. His eating skills got better every day at least. Shovelling food into his mouth, he looked up at his dad then smiled at the cookie batch. Oooh he did love when his dad did some baking.

"When is Mr Saxon coming round?" Marnal asked with a small tilt of his head, curious to find out how long he'd have alone with his dad before someone else came along.
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just a little mad
just a little mad

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PostSubject: Re: Imaginary Worlds   Imaginary Worlds Icon_minitimeThu Feb 09, 2012 7:35 pm

"Never agreed on a time. Some point today, so finish eating. You want to be ready when he gets here." the Doctor prompted softly. That only made sense.

He really should have thought to agree on an exact time. Now he'd be waiting around all day long. It was doubtful the Master would be about early or even for very long.
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PostSubject: Re: Imaginary Worlds   Imaginary Worlds Icon_minitimeThu Feb 09, 2012 7:40 pm

Marnal finished up and paused as he looked up at his dad with a curious expression, not sure how they can have a plan without knowing a time. Either way, Marnal just trekked back to the sofa.

He didn't do anything till dad told him too, not get ready or anything. Until his dad said, he just sat there on the sofa, watching cartoons in his pyjamas. It was a good thing the Master was never early.
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just a little mad
just a little mad

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PostSubject: Re: Imaginary Worlds   Imaginary Worlds Icon_minitimeThu Feb 09, 2012 8:18 pm

"Marnal, you know how it is. No cartoons after breakfast unless you're dressed for the day or it's Sunday." the Doctor called softly. He didn't need to see to know the kid was doing that.

It happened every Saturday. A thing the Doctor still didn't quite understand. How could he? It wasn't as though he'd ever lectured the poor kid about getting dressed.
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PostSubject: Re: Imaginary Worlds   Imaginary Worlds Icon_minitime

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