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PostSubject: Re: Imaginary Worlds   Imaginary Worlds - Page 20 Icon_minitimeThu Dec 29, 2011 8:45 pm

"You know, Kosch, when I was a boy I was constantly called a freak. I had no friends, no one ever came to my birthday party and I got beaten up more times that I could count," the Master pointed out, Koschei idolised him but he'd been in Marnal's position.

And it was never nice. His memories were not pleasant but the TARDIS had preserved some good ones, mostly of his father. "Just don't throw the word freak around, it's not nice," the Master reminded before leaving the boy too it and headed back downstairs to retrieve his laptop. He would settle in bed and do some work.
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just a little mad
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PostSubject: Re: Imaginary Worlds   Imaginary Worlds - Page 20 Icon_minitimeThu Dec 29, 2011 8:53 pm

Koschei didn't buy that. He painted a bit before turning in forth night, not looking forward to the coming morning. It was Sigma that woke him up, wandering in and making a nuisance of himself. Couldn't blame the dog.

He got dressed and headed down, running a hand through his hair tiredly as he let the beagle out and about. Koschei didn't want to go. He really didn't. But the Master, for whatever reason, wanted a friend.
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PostSubject: Re: Imaginary Worlds   Imaginary Worlds - Page 20 Icon_minitimeThu Dec 29, 2011 9:02 pm

The Master got up around 9, got ready early and made Koschei a quick breakfast of cereal, leaving the milk to the side as he headed upstairs. He got a card he had left over from Koschei's birthday last year and put the money in, writing his and Koschei's name in it.

Frankly, he wished he could spend the day with the Doctor. He knew that was insane, even he did a double take while thinking it... but he was craving intelligent conversation and it was hard to get that with Koschei.
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PostSubject: Re: Imaginary Worlds   Imaginary Worlds - Page 20 Icon_minitimeThu Dec 29, 2011 9:09 pm

Koschei ate the cereal once Sigma was back in and settled. He couldn't complain about too much. He got to go and see the train at least and the Master was running out of reasons to spend tome wih the Doctor. Always good.

He eventually made his way up, looking to his dad with a small frown. "'M ready. Just an hour. Then we're gonna go to the train." Koschei said owl, giving a small frown.
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PostSubject: Re: Imaginary Worlds   Imaginary Worlds - Page 20 Icon_minitimeThu Dec 29, 2011 9:18 pm

"If we over run then don't freak out, okay? It won't be any longer than two hours if we do but it's unlikely," the Master said just before anything went awry and he started throwing a tantrum.

When they did get to the Doctors, the Master knocked and waited for Koschei to stand by him before offering the kid a smile. "Just play nice with Marnal and remember to say happy birthday.
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PostSubject: Re: Imaginary Worlds   Imaginary Worlds - Page 20 Icon_minitimeThu Dec 29, 2011 9:32 pm

It was definitely saying something when a person was able to hire somebody to move for them. Even if there were still boxes about when the Doctor answered the door with a small smile. "Morning. Come on in." he said lightly, gently tugging Pest away from the door as he allowed the two to enter.

He didn't need the serval to take off at the moment. "Marnal will be done in a bit. He's feeding his frog." the Doctor informed softly. He was rather...Guilty. Because his son didn't have any friends. And he knew that.
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PostSubject: Re: Imaginary Worlds   Imaginary Worlds - Page 20 Icon_minitimeThu Dec 29, 2011 9:38 pm

The Master came inside and passed the card along to the Doctor. "From me and Koschei. Buy the kid something fun with it, would you? Can't buy for kids, that's why Koschei always got puzzles and books."

Standing in the kitchen with the Doctor, he offered him an apologetic smile. "We need to catch a train in an hour so we can't stick around. Sorry about that but I'm sure Marnal will have a fine birthday anyway right?"
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PostSubject: Re: Imaginary Worlds   Imaginary Worlds - Page 20 Icon_minitimeThu Dec 29, 2011 9:46 pm

Taking the card and setting it aside by another gift, the Doctor gave a soft nod. "No worries about it. I'm sure that Marnal will love it, but I don't want to keep you long if you have a train to catch." he stated simply. And really? He was just being thoughtful. Not like Marnal wasn't accustomed to it being just them.

And that was enough to have Koschei perk up a bit. "Oh? 'Kay then. Can we leave now? I don't wanna miss our train." he pointed out. Yeah. The Doctor just gave them the perfect out.
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PostSubject: Re: Imaginary Worlds   Imaginary Worlds - Page 20 Icon_minitimeThu Dec 29, 2011 9:49 pm

"We have an hour, Koschei. You haven't said hi to Marnal yet," the Master said, a warning in his tone. If Koschei didn't behave, they wouldn't go. He just wanted the boy to play nice for one hour.

when Marnal came down, he smiled at the two of them and headed over to his dad, tugging at his fathers arm to try and get picked up. He had a badge with his age proudly displayed and his new toy in his hand, it was the happiest the Master had seen him in a while.
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just a little mad
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PostSubject: Re: Imaginary Worlds   Imaginary Worlds - Page 20 Icon_minitimeThu Dec 29, 2011 9:58 pm

The Doctor looked down and offered a small smile. "Heya, kiddo." he murmured, lifting the child up with a bit of a grin. What? He could be a good father. He could be loving and comforting. He even handed the card over.

Koschei just sighed and shook his head. "Hello. Happy birthday. Enjoy your card. See? I was good. Don't need to stay." he mumbled softly. Especially not after being told they didn't have to stay.
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PostSubject: Re: Imaginary Worlds   Imaginary Worlds - Page 20 Icon_minitimeThu Dec 29, 2011 10:03 pm

"Ignore Koschei, we're happy to stay for an hour, have a look around the new house... if you want to give us a tour?" the Master suggested, mostly just to piss his son off for being such a brat.

"Yeah! Show him my room dad, I have a cool room Mister Saxon!" Marnal declared excitedly, clearly not wanting his company to go away just yet. "Dad can we have the cake early as well?"
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PostSubject: Re: Imaginary Worlds   Imaginary Worlds - Page 20 Icon_minitimeThu Dec 29, 2011 10:11 pm

"Whenever you'd like." the Doctor assured softly with a small shrug. "I'll show you about." the Doctor stated, shrugging as he led the way upstairs, showing the Master and Koschei various rooms and the like.

"Only room I can't get into is the basement. No reason. Just can't find the key to the door. And this is Marnal's room. The place is a lot larger than I needed, but...Well, it's like I said. It called to me." the Doctor admitted sheepishly.
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PostSubject: Re: Imaginary Worlds   Imaginary Worlds - Page 20 Icon_minitimeThu Dec 29, 2011 10:14 pm

The house was lovely and the Master was impressed, he smiled somewhat as he followed along. Sure he was envious but he was also glad the daft sod was making great use of all of his money.

Marnal hummed as they walked along, looking over the Doctors shoulder at Koschei and waving at the other boy. It was nice of Koschei to come on his birthday... not that he understand that the boy had been forced.
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PostSubject: Re: Imaginary Worlds   Imaginary Worlds - Page 20 Icon_minitimeThu Dec 29, 2011 10:22 pm

Koschei wasn't happy in the least. Because he was far from happy. He was being forced along and the Master wasn't helping. Nor was the Doctor. In fact, he was having a lot of trouble behaving.

The Doctor ceased and offered a small grin. "So. That's the place then. Would you like a piece of cake before you have to take off?" he asked lightly. He was just trying to be nice.
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PostSubject: Re: Imaginary Worlds   Imaginary Worlds - Page 20 Icon_minitimeThu Dec 29, 2011 10:29 pm

"We've still got forty minutes so sure," the Master remarked as they headed back downstairs. Marnal was soon back on the floor and running around the living room to track down the gift he wanted to hold while cutting the cake.

Heading back into the kitchen, he stood by Koschei and offered the other boy a tentative smile. "Thanks for coming Koschei."
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just a little mad
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PostSubject: Re: Imaginary Worlds   Imaginary Worlds - Page 20 Icon_minitimeThu Dec 29, 2011 10:36 pm

Koschei bristled and shot Marnal a look at that one. "I'm being nice. It's okay. We felt sorry for you." he murmured, actually not seeing anything wrong with that. He was just telling the truth.

Glaring, the Doctor guided Marnal to the cake, shooting Koschei a warning look. "Careful. Marnal is very grateful you came about, but keep in mind what I told you yesterday." he said slowly, helping Marnal to cut the cake.
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PostSubject: Re: Imaginary Worlds   Imaginary Worlds - Page 20 Icon_minitimeThu Dec 29, 2011 10:41 pm

Marnal gave Koschei a confused look as he was escorted away but his attention soon changed when he was helped to cut the cake. It was amazing, he got to hold a knife and everything.

The Master raised an eyebrow and looked at Koschei with a small frown. Why did the brat have to say that? He could of upset the boy! Looking at the Doctor, he decided after the cake, eh was going to find out what happened at the zoo.

((Off to bed))
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PostSubject: Re: Imaginary Worlds   Imaginary Worlds - Page 20 Icon_minitimeThu Dec 29, 2011 10:51 pm


The Doctor passed out the cake calmly and smiled. Even if Koschei was sulking, picking at his food in a rather annoyed manner. Yeah. The kid was having more than a few problems at the moment. He just didn't care.

All that the Doctor cared about was making sure that Marnal was happy. Which is why he'd bothered to get the poor lad so many gifts for his birthday. Which meant that he wasn't letting Koschei screw with it.
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PostSubject: Re: Imaginary Worlds   Imaginary Worlds - Page 20 Icon_minitimeFri Dec 30, 2011 8:41 am

Marnal was happy, sure he wished he could of had some other kids to play with but he had presents, cake and someone came! That counted at least. The Master waited till both boys seemed settled before gesturing for the Doctor to follow.

Standing in the hall, he offered the man a smirk. "So what did you do? Koschei is being oddly behaved... wanna catch me up over the whole zoo incident you seemed to have?"
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PostSubject: Re: Imaginary Worlds   Imaginary Worlds - Page 20 Icon_minitimeFri Dec 30, 2011 3:06 pm

The Doctor followed and gave a rather guilty look. Well. Damn. "Not much. He was screwing with Marnal and I explained what happened to children who act out and Burt others." he said softly, almost sheepishly.

Not to mention that..."I might have pointed out ghat he was screwing with the son of the person paying for his schooling. Not to say I'd take it away! It just...Made him knock it off." the Doctor added softly. Great. Now he'd probabl pissed the Master off as well.
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PostSubject: Re: Imaginary Worlds   Imaginary Worlds - Page 20 Icon_minitimeFri Dec 30, 2011 3:24 pm

"Good one," the Master simply said with a small smile on his face. Yep, only the Master. "Look, let me be very blunt, my son is a psychopath that will lie, cheat and blackmail anyone he can to get what he wants."

And that was him being nice. "He hates you. No, really, he hates you and he's overly attached to me. So if he's a bastard to you, you get him back anyway you want-- no hitting," the Master tacked on the end, just to make sure his son didn't get hurt.
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just a little mad
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PostSubject: Re: Imaginary Worlds   Imaginary Worlds - Page 20 Icon_minitimeFri Dec 30, 2011 3:50 pm

The Doctor paused at that one. "Alright. One? I don't hit children. Not even my own." the Doctor said softly. "And secondly? I won't do anything to your kid. I was just making sure that Marnal is okay." he murmured.

Really? He was just protective. He worried. A lot. "Look. I get that Koschei hates me. That won't stop me from trying to offertory help out or to take him somewhere. It's just me." the Doctor murmured. That and it gave an excuse to spend time with the Master. If only for brief moments.
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PostSubject: Re: Imaginary Worlds   Imaginary Worlds - Page 20 Icon_minitimeFri Dec 30, 2011 3:56 pm

"By all means, defend your son because Koschei can be a proper brat but ... I don't know, I love him for it. He's me all over," the Master remarked, he trust the the Doctor to play nice... or so he really hoped anyway.

After all, he sort of knew the man well enough. "Well, I hope Marnal has a good day, sorry we have to leave so early. Koschei really didn't want to come to see you again so I blackmailed him with a train ride."
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PostSubject: Re: Imaginary Worlds   Imaginary Worlds - Page 20 Icon_minitimeFri Dec 30, 2011 4:22 pm

"I figured. I'm just glad Marnal had somebody to come about. Poor lad really doesn't make friends. But it's fine. You're welcome to come about anytime you'd like." he offered softly in a tone that gave away that the Doctor doubted that would happen.

It was nothing personal. He just...The Doctor had a feeling that Koschei's feelings on the matter dictated more than the man would like to admit. "Enjoy your train ride. Never actually been on one. I should take Marnal when the weather gets nicer." he mused softly. It was a though in passing and nothing more.
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PostSubject: Re: Imaginary Worlds   Imaginary Worlds - Page 20 Icon_minitimeFri Dec 30, 2011 4:29 pm

The Master smirked playfully before looking over his shoulders to make sure Koschei wasn't around. "How about, when you're back to work, we take the train together? I have to go and pick up a certificate. You tag along, it's a half an hour ride... it'll be fun."

The Master was far too independent and stubborn to do as he was told, especially not from a seven year old. He liked the Doctor, it was always fun. "It'll be fun, just the two of us."
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